The 30-Day Music Challenge

04 May 2020
category: Music
#music #quarantine


This is going to be a weirdly long post. I recently did a 30-day music challenge on my Facebook/Instagram stories. I’ve never posted this extensively to my stories on any social media platform so I’m pretty darn proud of myself. I also got a lot of feedback about my music choice.

All of the feedback makes me feel a lot of feelings.

Anyway, I’ve compiled a list of all 30 (actually 32, since I included an extra piece on day 8 and subbed out Rautavaara for Haas) pieces that I featured below. I may do more in-depth essays on a couple of these later.

You’ll notice there’s a lot of Brahms, Rachmaninoff, and Ravel. I wholly expected there to be more Stravinsky, Shostakovich, and Mozart but the evocative prompts like “A song that reminds you of summer”, “A song about drugs or alcohol” made big, brassy Romantic compositions an easy target.

For your listening convenience I’ve included a Spotify playlist of all the pieces I’ve featured near the footer. Unfortunately Spotify truncates the playlist to 100 songs 🤭 and only offers 30-second previews. For the best experience, access the full playlist here. For multi-movement pieces (symphonies, chamber music, etc.) I’ve included the entire work although I only chose to highlighted certain movements in my 30-day challenge.

Pieces that are not nominally multi-movement but consist of collections of pieces (Trois chansons, Klavierstücke, etc.), I’ve split the difference and included a subset (up to the full collection) that I think make the most sense and would be reasonable to enjoy as a single artistic statement.

Without further ado:

30-day song challenge

Caleb Ren graduated from Harvard College with a degree in statistics and computer science in 2021. Caleb tries to spend as much time with family as possible, extol the virtues of mirrorless cameras to anyone who will listen, read up on dimension reduction techniques, defend the merits of Seattle, and hike.